glsl – The right way to setup gradient lighting in OpenGL shader?

glsl – The right way to setup gradient lighting in OpenGL shader?


I setup easy single gentle supply lighting round campfire object.
Nonetheless, as might be seen, the transition between lightened space and unlighted one is sharp.

enter image description here

The GLSL fragment shader code:

uniform vec2 screenSize;
uniform vec2 lightSourceSize;
uniform vec2 lightSourceCoords;
uniform float lightIntensityCap;
uniform sampler2D textureSample;

void major(void)
    float horizontalDiff = -lightSourceSize.x / 2;
    float verticalDiff = lightSourceSize.y;

    float lightSourceX =
    (lightSourceCoords.x - horizontalDiff) / screenSize.x * 2 - 1;

    float lightSourceY =
    (-lightSourceCoords.y - verticalDiff) / screenSize.y * 2 + 1;

    vec2 lightSourcePos = vec2(lightSourceX, lightSourceY);

    float lightIntensity = 1.0/distance(lightSourcePos, pos.xy);

    if (lightIntensity >= lightIntensityCap) {
        lightIntensity = lightIntensityCap;

    if (lightIntensity <= 1) {
        lightIntensity = 1;

    if (distance(lightSourcePos, pos.xy) > 0.3) {
        lightIntensity = 1;

    vec4 lightCol = vec4(lightIntensity, lightIntensity, lightIntensity, 1.0);
    fColor = texture(textureSample, fragmentUV).rgba * lightCol;

    if (fColor.a <= 0){

If I’ll take away

if (distance(lightSourcePos, pos.xy) > 0.3) {
    lightIntensity = 1;

the lightened space will broaden and the transition will probably be a lot smoother. How do I interpolate gentle depth and obtain clean transition for smaller space?



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