I am struggling so as to add specular lighting on-top of diffuse lighting and never solely positive the place I am going unsuitable. I’ve adopted the directions given in our lecture but it surely simply would not appear to be showing on-top in any respect.
// Mild vertex shader
// Commonplace situation vertex shader, apply matrices, go data to pixel shader
cbuffer MatrixBuffer : register(b0)
matrix worldMatrix;
matrix viewMatrix;
matrix projectionMatrix;
cbuffer CameraBuffer : register(b1)
float3 cameraPosition;
float padding;
struct InputType
float4 place : POSITION;
float2 tex : TEXCOORD0;
float3 regular : NORMAL;
struct OutputType
float4 place : SV_POSITION;
float2 tex : TEXCOORD0;
float3 regular : NORMAL;
float3 worldPosition : TEXCOORD1;
float3 viewVector : TEXCOORD2;
OutputType principal(InputType enter)
OutputType output;
// Calculate the place of the vertex on this planet
float4 worldPosition = mul(enter.place, worldMatrix);
output.viewVector = cameraPosition.xyz - worldPosition.xyz;
output.viewVector = normalize(output.viewVector);
// Calculate the place of the vertex towards the world, view, and projection matrices.
output.place = mul(enter.place, worldMatrix);
output.place = mul(output.place, viewMatrix);
output.place = mul(output.place, projectionMatrix);
output.worldPosition = mul(enter.place, worldMatrix).xyz;
// Retailer the feel coordinates for the pixel shader.
output.tex = enter.tex;
// Calculate the traditional vector towards the world matrix solely and normalise.
output.regular = mul(enter.regular, (float3x3) worldMatrix);
output.regular = normalize(output.regular);
return output;
// Mild pixel shader
// Calculate diffuse lighting for a single directional mild (additionally texturing)
Texture2D texture0 : register(t0);
SamplerState sampler0 : register(s0);
cbuffer LightBuffer : register(b0)
float4 ambient;
float4 diffuse;
float3 place;
float padding;
float specularPower;
float4 specular;
struct InputType
float4 place : SV_POSITION;
float2 tex : TEXCOORD0;
float3 regular : NORMAL;
float3 worldPosition : TEXCOORD1;
float3 viewVector : TEXCOORD2;
// Calculate lighting depth based mostly on path and regular. Mix with mild color.
float4 calculateLighting(float3 lightDirection, float3 regular, float4 ldiffuse)
float depth = saturate(dot(regular, lightDirection));
float4 color = saturate(ldiffuse * depth);
return color;
float4 calcSpecular(float3 lightDirection, float3 regular, float3 viewVector, float4 specularColour, float specularPower)
// blinn-phong specular calculation
float3 midway = normalize(lightDirection + viewVector);
float specularIntensity = pow(max(dot(regular, midway), 0.0), specularPower);
return saturate(specularColour * specularIntensity);
float4 principal(InputType enter) : SV_TARGET
// Pattern the feel. Calculate mild depth and color, return mild*texture for ultimate pixel color.
float4 textureColour = texture0.Pattern(sampler0, enter.tex);
float3 lightVector = normalize(place - enter.worldPosition);
float4 lightColour = ambient + calculateLighting(lightVector, enter.regular, diffuse);
float4 specularColour = float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
float specularPower = 512.0f;
float4 specular = calcSpecular(lightVector, enter.regular, enter.viewVector, specularColour, specularPower);
return (lightColour + specular) * textureColour;